If our current COVID-riddled world has amplified anything, it is the importance of learning. Now more than ever, businesses and employees are learning to respond to increased digitalisation, changing markets and evolving customer needs. Our ability to learn and adapt to change has become the…
Last month The Warehouse Group announced that up to 1000 people could be losing their jobs because of a restructure that Chief Executive Officer, Nick Grayston says was accelerated by Covid-19.   Grayston told Checkpoint that the company was adopting an agile working structure to meet the demands of…
Here is the third instalment in our series on the three-stage approach that organisations can take to transform their agility journey. Stage one is all about setting up for success and stage two explains how to keep moving and learning. This article focuses on the third stage, identifying and…
In the midst of a global pandemic, the old adage that the only constant is change feels more apt than ever.  Those that are quick to adapt to change are more likely to survive, and even flourish. But how can we make change resilience and change readiness part of the DNA of business?    In days gone…
When COVID-19 hit, a health crisis was quickly followed by an economic challenge. Within weeks, New Zealand was in lockdown and life as we knew it was flipped on its head. CBD’s became ghost towns and remote working became commonplace.   Before COVID-19, working from home was often linked to…
The Better Work Project Podcast, hosted each month by SoftEd’s David Mantica and Andy Cooper explores the changing world of work and offers interviews and insights from thought leaders in the industry and loads of helpful advice. This month we’re joined by Jill Callinan and Michelle Broadbent as…
A working agreement or a social contract (team rules) is a team’s agreed way of working. A fundamental cornerstone for any high performing and high functioning teams in new ways of working.   It is an explicit way to call out how the team will interact with one another, enhancing the quality of the…
As the coronavirus pandemic forced many of us to stay home, we moved online, introducing a virtual delivery of a number of our course titles.  As part of our LiveOnline delivery, our courses are delivered live via Zoom. In the first couple of weeks of Covid-19 lockdowns, Zoom's user base grew…
In my last article I wrote about the first steps in moving to agility; Agility in three: Setting up for success. This article is the second in the series that picks up from where the first left off. The first stage is about laying the foundations for agility to viralise through your…
During this time of pandemic, one small corner of the economy is doing morbidly well: employee surveillance software.      “Identify your team's superstars, time-thieving slackers and in-betweeners”  “Take continuous screenshots of employee workstations at intervals you set”  “When remote workers…
As a business analyst, you have the very important job of uncovering what your stakeholders really need, not just what they say they need so that you can deliver solutions that they love. However, getting to the bottom of what your stakeholders really want can be challenging. You have to deal with…
It is almost comical that in our busy lives we struggle to find time for deep thought. The pace of business is moving so fast people come to expect movement and activity as signs of success.   Thinking is in most cases a sedentary activity done with a pensive look.   Even the word pensive which means…
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