Leaders have always been thought of as a kind of superhero, ready to leap into action and save the day whenever danger strikes. They're strong, bold, confident, fearless, and they have all the answers to all the tough questions. These types of leaders served us well in the past when change and…
The 2020 Digital Summit that took place last month, brought together thought leaders from all over Australia to share their insights and experience in transforming government services at every level. As part of the virtual event, SoftEd's Craig Smith and Agile Lead at the Digital Transformation…
When Joshua Kerievsky first launched Modern Agile as a simpler and more streamlined approach to agile, he was asked whether it was a framework or a methodology. He simply replied that it was “a sticker”.   I imagine a lot of thought had gone into ‘modernising agile’ and breaking it down into four…
We all know that testing is essential for making sure that you are developing high-quality products, and we also know that automating some of those tests can save you time and money. But when you start automating your tests, how do you choose what tools to use? You might pick tool X because someone…
Testing is like the dark arts. It hides in the shadows of projects probing silently, mocked openly and looked down with disdain by those who think they know better. But do they?   Testing was seen like this even by testing consultancies as they espoused the rhetoric that testing is simplistic…
Testing, Software Testing, QA, Quality Engineering, Quality Control – whatever we call it these days it seems that it is one of the biggest impediments to the efficient delivery of value regardless of whether we work in an ‘agile’ or more traditional setting.   Like with anything a little knowledge…
SoftEd Board member, Iain Fraser has been announced as an honorary global advisor for the PM World Journal and Library by PM World.  The journal features project management thought leadership globally. Their mission is to advance knowledge sharing and continuous learning related to modern portfolio…
So, you’re looking for better and faster ways to deliver software and DevOps looks like it could be the answer to your prayers. But as the same old story goes, you start and before long you realise it is much, much bigger than you anticipated.   You get told you need to automate your deployments and…
New jobs are emerging all the time, coaching is one of them. Leveraging coaching will drive an organisation to success.   Coaches occupy a very special role in an organisation. Coaches stand “outside” the working teams, the chains of command, information hierarchies and reporting lines; so they are…
One of the advantages of an Agile way of working is the fact that you can inspect and adapt and find the best tool or practice for the job. Unfortunately, though, when you are learning or looking for guidance, the myriad of frameworks and techniques can make the transformation to a new way of…
As many companies make the move towards a more agile approach to working in an attempt to reap the many benefits, it's important to remember that it is not a quick fix.  Announcements such as those by The Warehouse CEO, Nick Grayston, who said that “the company was adopting an agile working…
SoftEd is pleased to announce a partnership with Training Industry, Inc for the launch of its new Agile Certification for HR and L&D. Accredited by ICAgile, the program is designed to help human resources and learning and development professionals position their organization to succeed using agile…
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