The belief in the magical power of silver, especially of weapons made from silver, is ancient.   A silver bullet was believed to be the only way of killing werewolves or other supernatural beings.   Today, we use the silver bullet to depict an action that cuts through complexity and provides an…
Business Agility is about seeing opportunities, exploring possibilities and challenging your thinking, experimenting with your solution, learning from your results and sharing your knowledge. This is a great tool for organisations undergoing change programmes. We have two new courses that offer…
SoftEd’s Chief Knowledge Engineer, Shane Hastie is held in high regard around the world and was selected for the lead team on the IIBA’s international committee that developed the BABOK® Guide v3.   The Guide to the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge® Version 3 (BABOK® Guide v3) was released in…
SoftEd's Senior Knowledge Engineer, Colin Garlick was a speaker on the Architecture Improvements track at QCon London 2015. Watch his talk on An Architect's Worldview.   While at the event Colin spoke to Ralph Winzinger from InfoQ about Architecture Design in an Agile World. He talks about his…
My friend and collaborator on building our Agile Business Analyst courses (both classroom-based and e-learning versions) Steve Adolph posted an excellent discussion on the Development Knowledge blog about the importance of leaving decisions in product development projects to the last responsible…
ICAgile have recorded Shane Hastie's webinar on Agile Portfolio Management - Being adaptive, responsive and maximising value for your whole organisation.    In the webinar, Shane discusses what Agile portfolio management actually means in terms of practical application and adoption across an…
 The new BABOK Guide has just been released. So what has changed regarding the knowledge areas within the BABOK and how will that affect YOU?     We’d got used to version 2. 0 and it felt comfortable but now we’ve got to learn a new BOK and change the way we do things or have we?  The BABOK has…
User Acceptance Testing (UAT) can sometimes be seen as a “nice to have” or a low priority activity in the software development process, but it is very important to help the development team understand the customer’s and user’s perspectives. UAT is the closing of the feedback loop for how we…
In my previous post, I proposed a world view for IT architects – an architecture manifesto.   I started by laying out five values that should drive our thinking and behaviour. Those values are the people whose lives are impacted by the architectures we produce; the big picture; humility; teamwork…
Testing metrics are fun, powerful and full of goodness as I posted earlier. Most metrics do not work by themselves and all metrics need to be focused on the information that people need to know. My top 5 metrics that matter are:  1. Residual Risk. This is all about what do we know about (i. e. parts…
SoftEd's Colin Garlick and Shane Hastie were both speakers at QCon London 2015  Colin's talk on 'An Architect's Worldview' presented a foundation of value for the practice of Architecture. You can read more about Colin's talk on the SoftEd blog or watch the talk on InfoQ.   At the…
What is “Scrum solo”? It is the situation in which people think that simply requiring their teams to follow the guidelines of the Scrum Guide is enough to achieve customer delight, engineering excellence, and sustainable continuous improvement.   Scrum is an attractive framework for organising work…
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