In this series of articles, I will provide suggestions for helping people tackle problems and “catastrophes. ”  In each case, I either provide some open questions or “a couple of boxes on a wall. ”  I have been working with some agile coaches recently and we discussed two related problems:  When you…
My last couple of articles have been about presenting ideas so that people listen to what you are saying.  But what happens if you explain something to people and then they decide to do the wrong thing anyway? Of course, it is possible that you were wrong and that they are right.  But what if you are…
During agile training sessions, the most common question I get is, “Can you PLEASE just tell me what I need to document as an Agile BA?”  So, let’s clear up this up once and for all!  The answer is NOT simply user stories and acceptance criteria, or a traditional requirements document. Agile is…
Back in the 17th century, Oliver Cromwell said, “No man travels as far as he who knows where he is going. ” I think Oliver Cromwell was right.   Unless one has a clear objective, one tends to wander fruitlessly, so before embarking on a software development effort, project by project or via…
Q: In what ways can we help the under-representation of women in STEM fields?  A: I think the good news is that this issue is getting a lot more attention than it has in the past. Role modelling and trying to embolden it through awareness. One of the areas I think that has a lot of opportunity, is…
Companies adopt agile for any number of reasons, usually stemming from a dissatisfaction with how things are currently working and a desire to improve. Most are struggling with the reality of ever-changing environments, customer needs, technological advancements and competitor pressure.    Here are…
My keynote at the Melbourne BA development day  I went to the IIBA professional day in Melbourne and I gave the morning keynote for the day.   There were about 270 business analysts there to learn about all things BA.   I thought I would publish the talk because a couple of people asked me about the…
I recently wrote an article on coaching where I suggested building a toolkit of different approaches to use when coaching people and teams in different things.   This is my (very basic) tool for teaching a skill – it is called “what why how”.   I use it when I want to help someone develop a specific…
Backbiting is an insidious problem. Imagine if a colleague spoke ill of someone that you were about to meet for the first time, at the start of a new project for example. "Oh, Joe! Let me tell about Joe … he's such a Wood Duck … he did blah blah blah in his last team … ". How does that affect…
I ran an agile coaching course recently and, naturally, we spoke a lot about coaching.   We ran through a lot of different techniques and approaches to coaching people in agile teams, but we discovered that both “coaching” and “agile” might mean different things to different people in different…
In September, SoftEd launches a brand-new program – LiveOnline Exploratory Testing.   We talk with Practice Lead, Toby Thompson about the course.      Why is the course delivered virtually?  We’re delighted to offer this program as a LiveOnline course.   The course is delivered in a virtual…
Explanations of the differences between the various “new” patterns and practices in software development can be found all over the internet. The Agile Manifesto, Humble and Farley, Allspaw and Hammond and dozens of other seminal publications contain the ideas, and the free and open source movement…
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