In the rapidly evolving business landscape, organisations face a pressing challenge: bridging the skills gap in their workforce. The skills gap, a disparity between employees' skills and those required for their roles, is widening due to technological advancements, market shifts, and changing…
In today's dynamic and globalised job market, the concept of a "career portfolio" is more relevant than ever. This term, originally coined by Charles Handy in the 1990s, has evolved to represent a collection of one's diverse skills, experiences, and roles. It's a powerful tool that allows…
By: David Mantica, VP and GM SoftEd US  Introduction  In today's dynamic and competitive market, adopting a product mindset is crucial for businesses to create and deliver value to their customers. This article will discuss the importance of understanding the product mindset, incorporating value…
By David Mantica  Humans have not evolved for knowledge work and we must fight against our evolutionary setup to effectively function in a complex business world. Understanding this can help us manage stress and work environments, and ultimately execute tasks with value. Our brains have evolved for…
By: David Mantica  The concept of value plays a crucial role in software project management and Agile methodologies. In this article, we'll explore the various dimensions of value, including customer value, business value, and technical value. We'll also discuss how to measure, prioritize, and…
Sharon Robson is an agile coach based in Australia. She talks us through an average working day and why is an essential part of professional development.   "It is important, as a coach, that when I engage with people it is always with intent This takes planning, so I wake early to give myself time…
By 2025, humanity’s collective data will amount to 175 zettabytes.    That’s: 175,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.     It includes everything from healthcare, personal finance data, business intellectual property, corporate finance, right through to your profile and pictures on dating apps.    At the same…
Business data analytics combines business intelligence, data science, statistics, and business analysis techniques to reveal patterns or trends and predict business performance.      You've probably heard the saying that "data is the new oil. " While it's not new, it's truer now than ever. In a world…
One, if not the, most powerful skill adaptive leaders have is diagnosis. In fact, in "The Practice of Adaptive Leadership," Ronald Heifetz et al. says: "The single most important skill and most undervalued capacity for exercising adaptive leadership is diagnosis. " Why?  Guiding resources to or…
“While being the product of a culture, a language is also a generator of culture. Hence, if the language is poor, the culture is poor. ” - Manfred Max-Neef     The ‘Agile Enterprise’ is rapidly emerging as the dominant post-bureaucratic operating model. Every major management consultancy is…
Let’s be clear – it doesn’t matter what the facts are if the customer’s expectations are not met.   It doesn’t get any simpler, but statistics and anecdotal accounts show that an alarmingly large number of projects fail to meet customer expectations. Regardless of the industry segment, project…
A lot of voices, many from the agile community, have questioned the need for planning. Their rationale is simple: since change is inevitable in whatever it is you are doing, it is wasteful and counter-productive to plan.  This is especially true, they argue, for planning beyond the horizon of a…
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