Software Education become an ICAgile accredited organisation

09 August

Software Education is now an International Consortium for Agile (ICAgile) accredited organisation with four ICAgile accredited trainers: Shane Hastie, Sharon Robson, Michi Tyson and Juan Barberis. Software Education has offered Agile training and consulting since 1990 and run hundreds of courses each year in Australia and New Zealand, as well as around the world.

ICAgile exists to support education in the Agile space. Working with experts from around the world, ICAgile is creating an education roadmap for all specialities involved in Agile development.

Over the years, Software Education has worked with ICAgile founders Alistair Cockburn and Dennis Stevens, who have both presented at our conferences. Our Agile Practice Lead, Shane Hastie, is working with ICAgile in the USA later this month to define the Learning Objectives for the Business Analysis and Value Management stream. Sharon Robson, our Software Testing Practice Lead, was one of the team who defined the Learning Objectives for the ICAgile Testing pathway.

“This accreditation allows SoftEd to provide its customers with consistent and advanced training that will speed their adoption of and abilities in Agile development.” – Dr. Alistair Cockburn, Chief Science Officer, ICAgile

“It is with great pride that we bring this world-class standard to New Zealand and Australia – our Agile courses have been built from the ground up to provide practical, hands-on knowledge and experience in how Agile projects work and by aligning them with the ICAgile learning objectives we are able to offer our customers a strong, credible career pathway” – Shane Hastie, Agile Practice Lead, Software Education

“What I particularly like about ICAgile is that certification is the by-product, rather than certification for the sake of certification. The focus is very much on learning, and this robust and thorough approach will, I believe, result in ICAgile becoming the dominant global standard for all aspects of agility-based software development.” – Martyn Jones, Managing Director, Software Education

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