Making change part of your culture

17 July

In the midst of a global pandemic, the old adage that the only constant is change feels more apt than ever. Those that are quick to adapt to change are more likely to survive, and even flourish. But how can we make change resilience and change readiness part of the DNA of business?  

In days gone by, uncertainty seemed infrequent and it usually meant managing the downside of change.  Some industries such as large consultants and PR agencies thrived on this.  They dealt with uncertainty, mitigated risk, and managed fall out. But this response is no longer fit for purpose as we navigate constant flux.  

Nowadays we refer to living in a world of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA) where adapting at the speed of change is business critical We can’t afford to wait to act and we can’t simply manage risk either Those that do risk becoming disrupted − we’ve seen the demise of notable companies such as Nokia, Kodak and Blockbuster and the emergence of innovative players like Spotify, Airbnb and Uber.  

But it’s not just about the downfall of the old order and the uprising of the disruptors; we’re also seeing the success of companies that are open to change and to challenge. In 2019 Fast Company named 3M to its list of most innovative companies. A third of 3M’s sales come from products that have been developed in the past five years. They actively measure this using their ‘New Product Vitality Index’. Other companies, especially in the technology sector, have even higher new to old product ratios.   
To be successful, to be truly agile requires making change part of your culture, and like 3M, this has to happen right at the top levels of business. It also requires an acceptance that change is inevitable but that it isn’t necessarily good or bad, rather our perception and our action or inaction make it so.  

Tackling the challenge of change head on, SoftEd has created a bespoke business agility program to support organisations as they grapple with a VUCA world. This immersive and highly practical program provides a framework to sense, adapt and respond to change, enabling businesses to become not just change-resilient, but change-ready. Designed by preeminent industry thought leader and Silicon Valley executive, the program is designed for businesses of all sizes to increase speed of delivery, remove waste and add customer value.     

The Business Agility Accelerator program gives leaders and teams the necessary tools and techniques needed to help businesses to navigate through change and to use it as an opportunity to get better  rather than simply getting through.  

Find out more about our Business Agility Accelerator.

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