7 Habits of Highly Effective Trainers

06 June

Having been in the business of helping organisations upskill their teams for many a year, I've seen my share of trainers, good and not so good. And I've been lucky enough to work with some exceptional trainers, who seem to have the knack to both lift the competence and simultaneously inspire their classes. So what's the secret sauce? Here's my take on what makes a truly effective trainer:

  1. Fantastic listening skills. Explores what's behind presenting issues.

  2. Humility. "It's not about me!" I've seen some potentially excellent trainers spoilt it all by using class time to demonstrate (what they see as) their personal awesomeness.

  3. Deep understanding of and a rich experience in the topic being taught. Ability to go off track if that's what needed. Critical. And it's got to be more than an academic understanding.
  4. Following on from the previous point (a prerequisite) must be a great storyteller. Paints vivid pictures drawn from personal experience to illustrate key points. Really engages their audience.

  5. A genuine interest in helping others grow and succeed.

  6. Energy! Not so much an orchestra sitting in chairs whilst they perform; more a pop star moving around the stage, connecting with the fans. Movement! Action! Audience engagement!

  7. At the end of the day, asks for feedback and reinforces important points from the day. Tunes plans for the next day, based on the feedback. Then goes home to relax and refresh.


Post by Martyn Jones

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