Last week the APN Auckland chapter hosted a talk by Dave Snowden titled “Agile: good practice, poor theory”.   Snowden has a long history in adaptive software development and was one of the original designers of DSDM (Dynamic Systems Development Methodology) which is considered to be one of the…
Last week I was able to attend the Agile 2012 conference in Dallas, Texas, USA.   It was a great event and I came away energised and exhausted in equal measure.   The stats about the conference are impressive:  Nearly 1600 people attended from countries all around the world Over 300 sessions…
As testers, we often forget about firewalls and their potential impact on our testing so I thought I’d write this blog as a refresher on firewalls.   A firewall restricts the network traffic through them. It does this pretty much like a security guard screens people entering an exclusive Hollywood…
Software Education is now an International Consortium for Agile (ICAgile) accredited organisation with four ICAgile accredited trainers: Shane Hastie, Sharon Robson, Michi Tyson and Juan Barberis.  Software Education has offered Agile training and consulting since 1990 and run hundreds of courses…
During the past year, I have been assisting change management teams to migrate from Waterfall to Agile through training and coaching in areas such as Lean, Kaizen, Kanban and Agile. The journey has taken me into numerous organizations in the Finance, Telco, and Online markets with primarily large…
Along with 20 others, I attended the peer conference KWST#2 on 15-16 June 2012 which was sponsored by Software Education.   I felt the conference provided ample opportunities to network but more importantly, it provided an insight into the minds of the people we were networking with. I gained a…
Last week SoftEd hosted the second-ever Kiwi Workshop on Software Testing (KWST). After last year’s hugely successful event, we were all counting down the days to host the second KWST. This event is special because of the very specific way it is set up and run and also the people that attend (it is…
“Estimation is hard – we often ask the wrong questions at the wrong times and end up with the wrong answers” – so say Anja Wever, Sharon Robson and Shane Hastie, the three SoftEd Practice Leads and experts in Business Analysis, Software Testing and Agile. Well if even they find it hard what hope do…
First of all, why do I work within the Lean framework for business process improvements?  Because Lean works! Also, because attendees enjoy learning about Lean’s history, practices, and tools as a means of improving their quality of life. They realize that we live in a complex world and they want…
At Software Education part of our value proposition is “we help our customers gain certification if it matters to them”. Our courses are designed first and foremost to provide participants with the skill and knowledge they need to be effective and productive in the areas they come to us to…
Recently I’ve been asked for recommendations around finding a “good Iteration Manager” (or what Scrum calls a “Scrum Master”), what skill-set they should have, how much experience is “enough experience” and if it’s better to hire an Iteration Manager (or “IM” for short) or find an IM within the…
Enterprise Agile is a topic that we’ve seen discussed more and more in recent months. It’s such an important consideration for so many companies that there will be a dedicated Enterprise Agile stage at Agile 2012 in Texas.   At SoftEd’s Sydney-based conference, Fusion, we’re bringing Agile…
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