
20+ years’ experience in quantitative and qualitative research and analysis, capability frameworks, competency-based assessments/diagnostics, occupational standards, assessment and quality assurance, international benchmarking, policy development, training, and facilitation for public and private sector clients. Martin is a world-leading specialist in developing vocational education policies and systems, improving the working lives of people around the world and driving economic growth and productivity.   

Martin has delivered high-quality learning and vocational solutions with key clients that include the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency, the Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand, the Bank of New Zealand, the Fiji Higher Education Commission, the Human Resources Development Council of Botswana and the Electrical and Mechanical Services Development of Hong Kong.  He specialises in the development and implementation of on-the-job learning frameworks providing valuable, real world, practical solutions, that deliver return on investment. 

Having worked across Asia-Pacific, the United Kingdom, Africa and the Middle East, Martin has travelled the world to develop relationships with clients and share his deep expertise in vocational education services, leadership development and capability assessment. 

He provides rich expertise in leadership assessment, competency modelling, executive coaching, and thought leadership. Specifically, Martin has co-designed and developed 75 development centres for senior leaders at the National Health Service (NHS) Leadership Academy and the General Medical Council, providing services to enhance leadership capability.   

Martin provides the Skills Development Centre with critical intelligence in organisational psychology, skills-gap analysis, and co-designing capability solutions using an evidence-based approach and predictive diagnostics. 

  • Education / Certifications

    Master of Science Occupational Psychology, Postgraduate Certificate in Management, Postgraduate Honours Degree Industrial Sociology, Bachelor of Social Science Sociology and Psychology, Certifications in British Psychology Society Level A Testing, Personal Construct Psychology and Repertory Grid Interviewing, Membership Association of Business Psychologists (UK).  Executive Coach. Certifications: Myers-Briggs, 15FQ+, Leadership Effectiveness Analysis, Individual Directions Profile, Bar-On EQ-i. MSc EQT, IIP Assessor, ISO Lead Assessor, FIRO-B.

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Colin Garlick

Knowledge Engineer

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