Know your enemy: The role of DevOps in protecting business reputation and data

Know your enemy: The role of DevOps in protecting business reputation and data
August 25, 2022

By 2025, humanity's collective data will reach 175 zettabytes (the number 175 followed by 21 zeros.) 

This data includes everything from streaming video and dating apps to health care databases.  

At the same time, the number of security attacks is on the increase - up 31% from 2020 to 2021, according to Accenture's "State of Cybersecurity Resilience 2021" report.  

The cost of these attacks hits at a financial and reputation level and impacts every business type: financial, fuel and energy, government bodies, industrial, retail, IT companies, and other sectors. 

As these attacks grow in both number and sophistication, businesses are under increasing pressure to protect their data and reputation from compromise. 

So, as a DevOps, what is your role in keeping business data secure?  

Colin Garlick, SoftEd’s Knowledge Engineer, has discussed these challenges and how you can address them in this free webinar. 

If you’re keen to upskill in this area, take a look at the DevOps Security Workshop.

Presented by:

Colin thumbnail

Colin Garlick, Knowledge Engineer

I began my career as a biostatistician, but my interest in computer programming made pivoting into the IT space a natural transition. For the last 30 years, I have been delivering software solutions as a developer, designer, and architect. Leveraging my vast knowledge of programming languages, I've designed and delivered systems for businesses in the medical, building, telecommunications, and finance industries. I even created the security and access control system for the first internet café in New Zealand.

Find out more about Colin Garlick here.

This is a recorded session of a live webinar event. Watch the webinar above.

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