As the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak continue to develop, the health and safety of our customers and our staff remains our number one priority. We are keeping a close eye on the situation and following the advice of the local health authority within each of the locations that we operate. To ensure your well-being, we have taken the following steps: 

Course deferrals

We have changed our terms and conditions to accommodate course deferrals. If you are unwell, unable to attend a course or uncomfortable with attending then please contact us and provisions will be made to reschedule your booking for a later date at no additional charge.

LiveOnline (virtual) delivery

To respond to a greater volume of our customers working from home, we are introducing virtual delivery for a number of our course titles. The following courses are available:


As part of our LiveOnline delivery, our courses are delivered live via Zoom. Interaction and learning objectives are the same as our in-person classes with the added benefit of being able to take this course from your home or your office.  

Dedicated response team

We have activated a senior management team meeting twice per week to actively monitor and respond accordingly to COVID-19. 


Updated 16 April 2020.

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