Don’t start until you know when you’ll be finished!

14 July

One of the best articles on project management I’ve come across over the last couple of years is this one from CIO magazine.

The author makes some great points about making sure you understand what the project sponsor will measure success by.  He makes the distinction between a project that builds a brick making factory when the sponsor was expecting a factory making bricks – fully staffed with the ovens running and bricks going out the door. 

“The big difference between the ‘brick making factory’ and the ‘factory making bricks’ is that the latter is meeting the real objective of having a brick factory — generating revenue”

So often we see projects where the team doesn’t understand what the end goal actually is, and they spend lots of time and effort very efficiently solving the wrong problem.  They use the best methodologies, the right tools, have low defect rates, great user interfaces, have empowered teams and enjoy delivering the product – the surprise comes at the end when the customer says “you missed the target”.

How do we ensure that our participants get this message loud and clear?


Posted by Shane Hastie

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